Stitch with your local community


Come together

In a time when close contact with other people is unwise, often prohibited, or even dangerous, this project offers an opportunity to be together safely, collaborate, and creatively respond to these unique times. The tradition of people gathering together to create, and specifically through textiles, has a long and rich history. While women are prominent in this lineage, this project is open to all.


Share your story

We all have our individual experiences during this crisis, and sharing them with others not only allows us to be heard, but also gives us all a chance to learn how the coronavirus has affected others in drastically disparate ways. Hearing first-hand accounts that differ from our own personal experiences is a gift that can expand our own understanding of the world, and create a path forward together.


Write history

This pandemic has often been compared to the 1918 flu pandemic that ransacked the world over the course of two years. Primary records of that time are thin, and human memory short (and anything but comprehensive). Stitching together gives us space and time to mark our individual and shared perspectives down, and create am archive of our current situation as it happens.


Want to host an in-person stitch session?

Are you part of an organization, community center, social services group, medical facility, neighborhood, or simply an individual that would love to put together a stitching session for your local area? Please reach out to me via the link below to discuss how this project can come to your town, and bring local people together.

Some basics of how this works:

Stitching sessions can happen in two different ways:

1- Stitchers who already have individual blocks can gather together to stitch. Blocks can be shared with others, inviting more people to participate. If you are interested in getting together with other participants in the area, please reach out to me, and as I receive interest from others in your local area, I will put you in contact with each other.

2- I can bring the three large panels, representing the dates from Jan 20, 2020 thru June 25, 2020, to your area and host stitching sessions myself, with the public or a private group of participants. I can give a presentation on the project, host a 2-3 hour session (or more, depending on your organization and level of participant interest), and have the panels and finished blocks available for display. Please contact me to discuss travel arrangements, and artist fees. If your organization is not financially able to support bringing the project to your area, we can discuss other funding opportunities, especially for underrepresented and marginalized communities.


In addition, I have been hosting virtual stitching sessions via Zoom. These occur on the first Thursday of the month (usually). All participants are automatically notified of these zoom calls. These times are subject to change in the future, as participant availability changes.